The Half-life of Snails – Philippa Holloway yn siarad ag Elaine Canning, gyda darlleniad a sesiwn holi-ac-ateb.
Mae nofel gyntaf Phillippa Holloway’n archwilio goroesiad ac etifeddiaeth Chernobyl mewn rhaniad naratif rhwng gogledd Cymru a’r Wcràin yn ystod argyfwng Euromaidan.
“Two sisters, two nuclear power stations, one child caught in the middle…
When Helen, a self-taught prepper and single mother, leaves her young son Jack with her sister for a few days so she can visit Chernobyl’s Exclusion Zone, they both know the situation will be tense. Helen opposes plans for a new power station on the coast of Ynys Môn that will take over the family’s farmland, and Jennifer works for the nuclear industry and welcomes the plans for the good of the economy.
And Jack isn’t like other five-year olds… as they will both discover with devastating consequences.”
‘Shimmers with compassion…a tale that will linger longer than the half-life of many books you will read this year.’ Alex Lockwood, awdur The Chernobyl Privileges#
‘A transformative read in a time of heightened complexity and division.’ Wales Arts Review
Mae Philippa Holloway yn awdur ac yn academydd sy’n addysgu Ysgrifennu Creadigol ym Mhrifysgol Swydd Stafford. Cafodd ei nofel gyntaf, The Half-life of Snails (ParthianBooks) ei chynnwys ar restr hir gwobr RSL Ondaatje 2023 am fod yn ‘waith o fri sy’n dwyn i gof ysbryd lle,’ cafodd ei chynnwys mewn podlediad rhyngwladol a’i chyfresu mewn papur newydd cenedlaethol.
Cyhoeddir ei ffuglen fer/ffeithiol arobryn yn rhyngwladol mewn cylchgronau llenyddol ac antholegau gwobrau, ac fel llyfrynnau gyda Nightjar Press (2018) a Broken Sleep Books (2023).
Mae’n cyd-guradu’r prosiect ysgrifennu byd-eang, 100 Words of Solitude, a chyd-olygodd 100 Words of Solitude: Global Voices in Lockdown 2020 (Rare Swan Press).