Born in Türkiye, Özgür’s family emigrated to the UK in 1980. His debut novel “Conception”, a d...
Mae Emily Vanderploeg yn ysgrifennu ffuglen, barddoniaeth ac adolygiadau. Ast...
I am a Lecturer in Creative Writing at Aberystwyth University. I write fiction and non-fiction...
Laura Wainwright was born in Cardiff and grew up in Newport, South Wales, where she still live...
Yn enedigol o Abertawe, mae Peter Wakelin yn awdur, curadur ac ymgynghorydd annibynnol sy̵...
Louise Walsh is the author of two published novels and a short story. Her first novel, Figh...
Dw i wedi bod yn cyfieithu o Gymraeg i Saesneg ers 2009. Ers hynny, mae Gwasg Carreg Gwalch we...
Mae nofelau hanesyddol Tracey Warr yn dychmygu eu ffordd i mewn i fywydau menywod go iawn sy...
Mae John Washbourne yn dod o ororau Cymru, cartref ysgrifennwyr megis Arthur Machen, a oedd un...
Derek is a poet, author and playwright. His 1-act and full length plays have been performed th...
Daw Sara Louise Wheeler yn wreiddiol o Wrecsam yng ngogledd-ddwyrain Cymru, ac mae hi bellach ...
Daniel Whelan was born in the North of England but grew up on the North Wales coast. His first...