Alix Edwards 

Mae Alix Edwards yn artist aml-lwyfan wedi’i lleoli yng Nghaerdydd. Mae hi’n cyfuno ffotograffiaeth, peintio, testun, gosodiadau a’r gair llafar i roi llais i gymunedau ymylol. Mae ganddi MA mewn Ysgrifennu Creadigol o Goldsmiths, Llundain ac MA mewn Ffotograffiaeth o Central St Martin’s. Ynghyd â’i hysgrifennu, mae’n hwyluso grwpiau celf ac ysgrifennu creadigol yn ei chymuned ar gyfer Women’s Aid. Mae ei gwaith wedi cael ei arddangos mewn orielau amrywiol ar draws Cymru a Lloegr a cyhoeddwyd ei gwaith mewn amryw o flodeugerddi. Ar hyn o bryd mae hi’n gweithio ar nofel am oblygiadau trais domestig ac yn creu rhaglen arlein i rymuso menywod yn greadigol.  

Darllenwch ymateb creadigol Alix i’w chyfnod ar raglen Cynrychioli Cymru isod.


He brings me coffee                                                     


He throws it at my face

Hot liquid hits the wall                       ‘

behind my head. Brown rivulets

trickle down sunshine yellow paint

the happy colour of sunflowers

I chose before I knew him


You poor cow, he sneers

I am a manatee, seven months pregnant

beached between wet sheets

too lazy to speak up

or get out of bed


My skin tingles. I want to fetch

the lavender oil to treat my scalds

I look up, scan the luminous stars

and planets I glued to the ceiling

and watch their sickly green glow


My cheeks throb I stay stuck

to my mattress. Too heavy to move

I’ll call for help while he’s out


My face burns I pretend

I am thin I lean on my elbows

push myself up past the comforting

smell of coffee


I place one swollen foot in front

of the other all the way

to the table The telephone is gone

ripped out of its socket

chucked on the floor


I make my way to the bathroom

and lock the door I scan

my blotchy red face in the mirror

I wonder if, in time these scars

like him will go away

Nôl i Yr Awduron