
Letters of Kindness, prosiect gan y Children’s Laureate Wales

Cyhoeddwyd Iau 4 Maw 2021 - Gan Llenyddiaeth Cymru
Letters of Kindness, prosiect gan y Children’s Laureate Wales

Ar Ddiwrnod y Llyfr 2021 (dydd Iau 4 Mawrth), ac i gyd fynd gyda dadorchuddiad blwch post arbennig yng Nghaerdydd, mae Llenyddiaeth Cymru yn falch o gyhoeddi prosiect newydd gan y Children’s Laureate Wales, Eloise Williams, sef Letters of Kindness.

Dros y mis nesaf, mae’r Children’s Laureate Wales yn annog plant o bob oedran i fynd ati i ysgrifennu llythyr caredig at eu hunain. Nod y llythyrau hyn yw amlygu’r pethau caredig yr ydych chi’n eu gwneud, neu wedi eu gwneud, ac i rannu rhai o’r pethau amdanoch chi eich hun, neu’ch bywyd, yr ydych chi’n fwyaf balch ohonynt.

Caiff y syniad hwn ei ysbrydoli gan un o gymeriadau Eloise, sef Wilde, sy’n ysgrifennu llythyr ati hi ei hun ac yn dysgu sut i ddathlu’r holl bethau sy’n ei gwneud hi’n unigryw ac yn wahanol. Mae’r prosiect yn ceisio hyrwyddo meddylgarwch a chynyddu’r teimlad o hunanwerth ymysg plant a phobl ifanc.

Caiff ysgolion eu hannog i rannu lluniau o lythyrau eu disgyblion ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol neu dros ebost. Mae modd mynd ati i greu wal o garedigrwydd yn yr ysgol hefyd er mwyn arddangos yr holl lythyrau hyn.

Dyma ambell syniad gan Eloise ei hun, os fyddwch chi’n dymuno llunio llythyr:

What makes you an individual? We are all different and we need to celebrate it!  

What makes you happy? The things which make you happy are an important part of who you are.

Have you done something kind for someone? It could be something really small. Think about times when you’ve made someone smile.

Have you done something kind for yourself? You might have treated yourself to something. That’s good news! We need to be kind to ourselves. If you are kind to yourself, you feel happier and want to be kinder to others.

Is there someone in your life who is special to you? It might be a human or a pet! As long as they make you happy, they are perfect to include in your letter.

Do you have any special interests or hobbies? Making time for ourselves is very important for our well-being.

Where do you feel at your happiest? This might be somewhere inside or outside. You might have lots of favourite places.  

How can you be kind to yourself and others in the future? Give yourself some advice.  Remember, we are all learning all the time and making mistakes is one of the best ways to learn. 

Happy writing! 


Mae templedi amrywiol, a stamp Children’s Laureate Wales, ar gael isod:

Templed 1 | Templed 2 | Templed 3

Stamp Children’s Laureate Wales


Mae rhagor o weithgareddau digidol ar gael yma: Gweithgareddau Bardd Plant Cymru | Gweithgareddau Children’s Laureate Wales